The Church Needs Eucharistic Advocates!

Our Mission
To educate, inspire, and share the beauty of the Mass and the miracle of the Eucharist thereby deepening our relationships with Christ and His Church.

A Eucharistic Advocate is a person who partners with Bread to bring Bread resources to their local church, friends, family, and community.

Our Church faces great challenges, but what we can accomplish when working together is truly mind-blowing.

Bread will share with you all our resources and programs—most of which are free—and all we ask is that you share them with your parish and friends.

As a Eucharistic Advocate, you will receive our:


> Bi-monthly webinars about the Eucharist & Mass

> Lenten & Advent Challenges

> Talk Series throughout the year featuring our priest partners

> New podcast series entitled “Catholic Conversations - One Lay Person to Another”

>Print and downloadable resources